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Technology plays an integral role in the daily operations of the Lewis Cass Schools. The Technology Department serves students and staff by providing both technical and instructional support, professional development, and logistical assistance.
Instructional Support: At LCS, we believe integrating technology into the instructional process has the potential to positively impact the educational experiences we provide to our students. The availability of technology and high quality digital resources allows for students to demonstrate creativity and innovation, to communicate and collaborate, to research and evaluate information, and to think critically. Digital tools, resources, and practices are embedded into the curriculum to support the corporation’s instructional goals and enhance student achievement. Collaboration with teachers and administrators, along with ongoing professional development, help to support the effective integration of technology into teaching and learning at the LCS.
Throughout LCS: Technical oversight and support are provided for all hardware, software, and connectivity considerations. These efforts serve to maintain the corporation’s data systems, network, and telecommunications, each of which are critical to the efficient operation of the organization.