Lewis Cass eLearning and Virtual Learning

The following schedules were created and designed by staff, parents, and administration to prepare for eLearning and situations where students would have to be separated from school for an extended time period (virtual learning). The recommendation was to reduce the students’ screen time and the introduction of new material.
On April 6, 2022, the state sent out a memorandum addressing Virtual Student Instructional Days and 180-Day Requirement. The below information addresses and allows Lewis Cass Schools to stay compliant with the new requirements.

Lewis Cass will not have more than three (3) consecutive virtual learning days. Days that follow the third virtual day will be added to the end of the year.

Any school day that is canceled will be added to the end of the school year to meet the 180 day requirement.

Two hour delay:
All schools will function on a two hour delay schedule

eLearning due to inclement weather (K-12) – (Only three days per year are allowed)

  • Assignments posted by 10:00am
  • Assignments due by 7:45am the next day (exception for special education students)
  • More review/limited new material and no testing

Virtual learning:
In-person student instructional days definition;
● “Virtual student instructional days” that consist of at least 50% “teacher directed
synchronous/live instruction;” or
● A combination of both in-person and “virtual student instructional days.”

  • Students will log into Google Meet/Canvas as instructed by the teacher

Jr./Sr High School Schedule (6-12):

1st Period: 9:00-9:25
2nd Period: 9:30-9:55
3rd Period: 10:00-10:25
4th Period: 10:30-10:55
5th Period: 11:00-11:25
6th Period: 11:30-11:55
7th Period: 12:00-12:25
Lunch: 12:30-1:00
Office Hours/Remediation/Individual Help: 1:00-2:45

Elementary Schedule (K-5):

9:00 – 11:30 AM – Live instruction with the homeroom teacher and pre-recorded specials class

Additional Support Services:
If your child receives support from other teachers (EL, Reading Rangers, Resource, etc.), their teacher will communicate a separate meeting time if a meeting is expected.

Attendance Reminder: If your child is unable to attend the live session, a parent must contact the homeroom teacher for further instructions.

In the event that school must be held virtually, the following will apply:

  • Students will access the classroom link at the designated time in order to be counted as present for the class period.
  • If a student does not access the classroom link during the designated time, then he/she will be marked absent and the absence will count towards the 5 (elementary)/7 (jr-sr high) absences that are allowed per semester by the period attendance policy.
  • In order for a student to receive an internet hotspot, parents need to make a request to their Principle for access. Any damages to the hotspot will be charged to the student/parents.
  • All school rules apply when students are attending remotely.